Three Benefits of Local SEO



When it comes to marketing your business, local SEO is one of the most important strategies you can use. According to recent studies, businesses that focus on optimizing their website for local SEO see a significant increase in online visibility, as well as an influx of traffic from relevant search results.

In addition, optimizing your website for local SEO can help you build valuable links with other businesses in your area. The benefits are mutual when you do business locally – not only can we help drive more customers our way but by working together strength grows across all areas!

Today we are going over three things you can do to optimize your local SEO results.


Google My Business Profile

First, make sure that your business is registered with Google My Business (GMB). Google My Business is a free service, and it’s easy to set up. GMB will help ensure that your company appears in relevant search results. 

Once you’ve created your business profile, update the information with local content such as telephone numbers and addresses. Showing potential clients your service area will help you optimize keywords for your webpage that local competitors may not be using.

You can also upload images to showcase your products or services in a way that will attract new clients. All of this is visible to your client just by showing up in the local search.



Understand User Search Intent

One of the most important aspects of SEO is understanding user intent. When someone types a query into a search engine, they aren’t just looking for any website that happens to have the information they need.

They are looking for specific websites that answer their question or solve their problem. This is why keyword research is so important – by targeting the right keywords, you can ensure that your website appears in response to the queries your clients are likely to use.

A good way to understand the words they are typing into Google is by asking them. Use polls or surveys to ask your ideal clients about their pain points and then position your offers as the solution. Another way is by reading your reviews.

What are the words your clients use most often to describe your service or transformation? Start using these words in your content to speak directly to your clients as if you were already in their heads.


If you need help understanding your SEO strategy, let’s chat! 


Community over Competition

When it comes to your online marketing strategy, remember that community is key. Your ideal clients are looking for solutions to their problems.

If you can be there to offer those solutions through content marketing and search engine optimization you’ll be well on your way to success. 

Instead of viewing your competitors as rivals, think of them as collaborators. There’s no need to be secretive or competitive; after all, you’re both offering the same service.

By collaborating, you can pool your resources and create a stronger local SEO presence. You may also be able to refer customers to each other who aren’t a good fit for your business.









Photo of Ehkoing YOU Google My Business Listing

Local SEO – Final Thoughts

When you increase visibility for the right clients, it can be easy to gain their trust and establish a relationship with them. This is why local SEO is so important.  You can collaborate with other businesses in your area to improve your visibility and reach more people who are looking for your services.

Local SEO services are only the start. Local optimization sets the foundation for your national campaign to reach a wider and pre-qualified audience. Get started with Google My Business and watch your business grow.