What are Informational Keywords?

When it comes to search engine optimization, most people think about using keywords that will bring people to their website through transactional intent. These are the types of keywords that are usually associated with buying or selling a product or service. However, another type of keyword can be just as effective in bringing people to your website: informational keywords.

Informational keywords are keywords that answer questions like “What is…” “How do I…” or “Why does this…” etc. These keywords usually have high search volume but the conversion might not be as high as transactional keywords. When people search for informational keywords, they are looking to learn or understand a concept better.


Two Types of Keywords

There are two main types of informational keywords: short-tail and long-tail. Short-tail keywords are those that have a high search volume but are also very general. An example of a short-tail keyword would be “event planning.” This keyword has a high search volume but it is also very general. As a result, it might be difficult to rank for this keyword because everyone is using it.

Long-tail keywords are those that are more specific and have a lower search volume. An example of a long tail informational keyword would be “when should I hire my wedding planner?” This keyword is more specific and has a lower search volume. As a result, it might be easier to rank for this keyword.

When choosing your keywords, you should consider both short-tail and long-tail keywords. By using a mix of both, you will be able to reach the most people possible.

Examples of Informational Keywords 

To give you a better idea of what informational keywords look like, here are some examples: 

  • What is event planning?
  • How do I start a wedding planning business?
  • What are the different types of wedding planners?
  • Why does event management cost so much?

As you can see, informational keywords can be very specific or more general. And do you also see they don’t have to be just one word? Keywords are typically made up of different phrases. The important thing is that the keywords are questions that people are searching for information on.

🐿🧠: Did you know people perform over 5.6 BILLION searches on Google every day? ! 🤯 228 million searches per hour

How Informational Keywords Affect SEO

Informational keywords are important for search engine optimization because they have the potential to bring a lot of traffic to your website. By providing helpful information, you can increase people’s chances to stay on your website and learn more about your business.

If you can provide helpful information through your keyword selection, you can bring readers to your website and turn them into loyal fans. Your content must answer their questions and give them a chance to understand how it will benefit them. From there, you can use internal links to show them how you can provide more value through other articles or resources.

How to Use Informational Keywords

You can use informational keywords to bring people to your website. Once they are on your site or blog article, the content you add will determine whether they stay and learn more or find a different source.

If you are a wedding planner, you could write an article titled “What is Event Management vs. Day-of Coordination.” Day-of coordination has a high search volume (1,000 – 3,600 searches per month depending on its variation). 

This is where informational keywords can be very beneficial. These keywords bring them in the door; your content and expertise encourage them to stay around. 😉

People who are searching for this term are likely looking to understand the difference between these two services and why you can’t just “show up on the day and do your job.” 🙃 Bring them to your website using “day-of coordination” as the keyword, and explain to them why it doesn’t work that way.

If your article does a good job of explaining the differences and provides helpful information, the reader is likely to stay on your website to learn more about your business. However, if your article is poorly written or doesn’t provide enough information, the reader will leave your site in search of a better source.








Final Thoughts

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using informational keywords:

  • Your content must be well-written and informative. If it’s not, people will leave your site in search of a better source. 
  • Your keywords must be relevant to your business. If they’re not, people will leave your site because they won’t find what they’re looking for. (Ask yourself: what do you do? And where do you do it?)
  • You need to use a variety of informational keywords. If you only use one or two, you’ll miss out on potential traffic.

By following these tips, you can use informational keywords to bring readers to your website and educate them on why you are the best service provider to solve their problems.

Are you looking for informational keywords in your industry? Start by looking at the “Related Searches” section on Google or the “People Also Ask” section. This will show you what people want to know. Still unsure? Download your complimentary SEO Audit and see which keywords you have ranked on Google. Or schedule a consult and we can discuss it together.